The Mythological Motive

Mythology has accompanied humanity throughout its journey to modernity. Certainly mythology is not simply a vestigial accessory or a thing learned of in a literature class, for we build and maintain new myths under new guises to this day. Joseph Campbell, a leader in the field of comparative religion and comparative mythology, hypothesized that the primary function of mythology is "the reconciliation of consciousness to the preconditions of its own existence." Through the brief analysis of passages from two Greek examples, this hypothesis will be shown to be relevant and even insightful into the nature of mythology.

Joseph Campbell asserted that religion arises from the misinterpretation of mythology, whether purposeful or not. If Campbell's hypothesis is assumed to be true, then this extrapolation is not only reasonable, but pertinent, for is not religion itself simply an organized, ritualized, and simplified adaptation of spirituality and mysticism in particular? A mystic aims to commune directly with the Absolute, the union of the Relative; the dichotomy of binary opposites. This transcendental experience is ineffable; incommunicable through the limited mechanism of language. A cursory reading of Plato's Allegory of the Cave will enlighten and dissuade any mystic from attempting to convey this understanding to a materialist, whose experience is limited to the mundane, in a direct manner. Truths as these have always been transmitted through the ages in the arts, and in particular in the symbolism of mythology.


Before an examination can be done, it must be determined exactly what Campbell is referring to in his hypothesis. Campbell was influenced by the work of Carl Jung, a major figure in the realm of transpersonal psychology. Jung's concepts of archetypes and a collective unconscious were influential to Campbell and were influenced themselves by the spiritual ideas of the East. The archetypes are features of the collective unconscious, our species psychological predispositions, and represent the ultimate prototypes of each personality and are commonly found within mythological stories. The content of the collective unconscious serves to drive humanity toward self-actualization, or "the reconciliation of consciousness to the preconditions of its own existence;" this polar reunion.

In Homer's The Odyssey, Odysseus is constantly battling not only his enemies but his own sensual urges, arrogance, and pride, all of which are metaphors for the unconscious. Early in his adventures he succumbs to his unconscious, through sexual escapades with Calypso and Circe, raiding the home of the Cicones, his men opening Aeolus' bag of wind, his arrogance with Polyphemus, and much more. Eventually the last of his men are lost on the island of the sun-god Helios, where their hunger overwhelms their reason. Odysseus does not partake in the act that finds them their death, because he is asleep. It could be argued that he was as equally unconscious as the rest in parallel with the previous sleep metaphors, or it could be understood that Odysseus continuously denied them the permission to hunt Helios' cattle, thereby overcoming the unconscious. He eventually falls asleep, this time not a symbol of being unconscious, but of reconciling the conscious and unconscious after defeating his hunger urges. Sleep is similar to the mystical state of communion with the Ultimate, and here could be as such and the turning point which ultimately allows Odysseus to return home after his imprisonment by Calypso.

In an opposing conclusion, Euripides' Medea presents the conflict between Jason and Medea, who represent reason and emotion, respectively. Jason, the more-civilized, and Medea, the barbarous, engage in a fight where Medea plots and eventually murders many. A theme of this play is the Greek concept of homophrosyne, which represents like-mindedness, or in this case, the reconciliation of conscious and unconscious. This like-mindedness is never attained and emotion overwhelms reason in this dismal ideation. But still, the element is present, supporting the hypothesis in light of this ground-breaking unorthodox play.

As is seen through the two previous examples, and countless others, mythology attempts, through symbolism and metaphor, to disclose the not so widely accepted mystical wisdom. This wisdom is the experience of the reconciliation that Campbell speaks of in his hypothesis, of the consciousness to the preconceived conditions of its existence, or self-actualization.

The Mythological Motive

For more information related to mythology and the mind, such as a psychotic break, please visit Jared B. Hobbs at his blog Meditations and become a Scholar of Consciousness!

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Motivational Quotes - Energy Drinks For the Mind

Motivational quotes can be found everywhere from calendars to books, coffee mugs to websites. They can be found on posters, business cards, brochures, and billboards. One or two lines quoted to inspire all who read them appear in almost every medium of expression. What makes these quotes so popular and prevalent? Do they work? Do people read these quotes and suddenly become more successful, perform better, or more attractive? The simple answer is no. Simply reading encouraging words does not bring instant rewards. Motivation simply does not work that way. So why are they so popular?

From time to time, everyone needs a little encouragement and for many, motivational quotes may just be the answer. They offer just a little dose of enthusiasm to help get someone through a tough time or energize them to finish a particular challenge. Much like beverage manufacturers offer energy drinks to provide consumers with a mid-day pick me up, these little motivational blurbs are meant to energize the mind. They often come from successful individuals and offer a glimpse into how they achieved or overcame. Unfortunately, much like an energy drink, the effects do not last forever.


Far more effective than motivational quotes are the purpose one feels in a particular activity. Not that quotes meant to motivate are not useful, because they indeed can be useful. Nevertheless, just as an energy drink cannot replace a proper night's sleep, these quotes cannot replace purpose. Purpose is what drives and truly motivates a person. A quote from someone who has been in a similar place or situation can offer reminders of purpose, but it cannot replace it entirely. A person can find inspiration in a quote, a chant, or a prayer, but that inspiration may not hold if no greater purpose lies beneath.

The power of motivational quotes does not necessarily lie in the words they contain, but in the thoughts and feelings they inspire. Those thoughts and feelings can spark purpose and intention that ultimately lead to greater things. They are meant to boost the power behind purpose. When inspiration and enthusiasm sag, people look to successful leaders and extraordinary speakers to spur them. What those who have traveled successful before have said in the past acts a like an energy drink for the mind. Their words feed the sagging enthusiasm and evoke memories of the purpose that drives motivating actions.

Motivational Quotes - Energy Drinks For the Mind

Greg J Yarmesch is an online publisher providing great tips on motivational quotes. To learn more about this topic, visit today!

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How to Land Motivational Speaker Jobs

Have you ever wondered how to land motivational speaker jobs?

The business of motivational speaking is highly competitive. In the beginning it's normal for you to keep your day job while you develop your speaking skills. Work on your writing and speech skills and really learn about your niche in your spare time.


Motivational speaking can be a hit or miss for many people and some people learn the hard way by making rookie mistakes as they start their career. The job involves a lot of skills and you need to practice and hone them. Speakers know they should sharpen their speaking skills but some forget the marketing aspect of the job.

Here are some tips to get you on your way to a lucrative speaking career. Just follow these tips and you can land speaking jobs that make you tons of money.

Determine what you can share and talk about

Motivational speakers share experiences which audiences can relate to; stories that can teach principles and give inspiration. You can share personal experiences and the success stories of other people. Talk about something you are passionate about.

In addition to talking about their passion, successful motivational speakers also find a way to tie their passion to the needs of a profitable marketplace. It's a combination of passion and problem-solving that makes a speaking career profitable.

Know where to speak

Speakers should determine the groups and venues that he or she can speak to. The list is endless and here are some examples: Adult teaching classes, Conferences, Colleges, cruise Ships, non-profit organizations, seminars, businesses, youth groups, and many more.

Pick a niche:

Profitability starts at choosing your niche. A niche is a targeted audience from a larger group, having a target audience will help you focus both in speech writing and marketing yourself.

Have a great speech topic and package it nicely.

After picking a niche, you should draft speeches from a list of topics you think are most important to your niche. Let your speeches address the major problems of your chosen niche. At this point, research into your niche and further examination of your target audience is essential. Great speeches start in writing drafts and outlines.

Collect stories along with your personal experiences and use them as supporting items for your key points. You can get help from good writers if you want to. Package your speeches and topics for effective marketing.

Have a great marketing plan.

Armed with great speeches and topics, it is now time to market and convince your audience to buy it. There are a lot of marketing methods and techniques to implement. But in a nutshell, you should build an image of expertise and professionalism. Use marketing materials and networking to accomplish this.

From time to time, speak for free

Speak for free to get the word out. You are giving the public a taste of your services and gaining experience and stage time as well. Speak for non-profit associations and blow the audience away with a stunning performance. You can get referrals and spin-off bookings as a result.

Be a professional

Take your speaking career seriously. Be professional, have a physical office and business number. Buyers will hire speakers that exude professionalism.

How to Land Motivational Speaker Jobs

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