Coteaching Implementation

Even though it has been around for decades, coteaching is now emerging as one of the most popular buzzwords in education, specifically at the high school level. It has been a proven strategy in the elementary setting, and now secondary administrators are beginning to utilize the philosophy to improve instruction and reap the same benefits that surfaced in the elementary schools. The problem with coteaching in secondary schools is the same with most elementary school philosophies that are forced into the high school ranks; teachers are not ready or willing to accept the change and the administration assumes that they are, and there is insufficient training before the philosophy is applied.

Teaching is an isolated profession, especially at the secondary level. Programs such as grade-level teaming and team teaching have only recently penetrated the walls of American high schools. High school teachers have stereotypically developed a possessive mentality over their classes and, rightfully so, have become defensive to change, especially when change involves relinquishing control of a classroom. So when coteaching is suggested, most high school teachers are reluctant. That is a constant that is not going to change; what needs to change is the approach taken by administrators in the implementation process.


If coteaching is going to be a direction that a school district takes, the teachers need to be informed about the implementation, strategies and benefits that accompany the coteaching philosophy. Pairing teachers strategically and applying effective strategies are aspects of coteaching that need to be addressed, but the point of this article is to elicit the value of communication by the administration and among the faculty during the implementation process. Secondary teachers do not know what the term coteaching means; let me repeat, secondary teachers do not know what the term coteaching means. Most high school teachers that teach in an inclusionary setting view coteaching as the content teacher leading the lesson and the special education teacher combing the classroom trying to assist in the lesson. Any elementary teacher would be able to point out the giant flaw in that system; but elementary teachers have been trained and they have already adopted the philosophy.

Coteaching candidates at the secondary level should be given time before the school year begins, preferably at the end of the previous year, to actually learn and understand the material on coteaching. They should utilize videos of high school teachers using a team teaching approach on actual high school students. They should be informed of the benefits of coteaching by real high school coteachers and high school students. They should be able to voice their concerns openly, without fear of criticism, before they actually begin the process of coteaching. Informing the faculty, however, is not the end of the journey but rather the beginning. It is the most vital step in the process.

When done well, coteaching may be the answer to motivating students, raising test scores, motivating teachers, and reducing behavior issues. The solution to successful coteaching strategies at the secondary level does not reside solely with the teachers; the solution is in the conveyance of the information. Coteaching is too valuable an asset to be lost to a stereotype.

Coteaching Implementation

Paul Bozella is a high school English teacher and has his Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction. He encourages you to visit [] to learn more about the benefits, strategies, and implementation techniques of effective coteaching in the secondary classroom as well as to view video examples and testimonials of veteran coteachers.

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Leadership in Organization

Effective managers are not necessarily true leaders. Many administrators, supervisors, and even top executives execute their responsibilities successfully without being great leaders. But these positions afford opportunity for leadership. The ability to lead effectively, then, will set the excellent managers apart from the average ones.

Where as management must deal with the ongoing, day-to-day complexities of organizations, true leadership includes effectively orchestrating important change. While managing requires planning and budgeting routines, leading includes setting the direction (creating a vision) for the firm Management requires structuring the organization, staffing it with capable people, and monitoring activities; leadership goes beyond these functions by inspiring people to attain the vision. Great leaders keep people focused on moving the organization toward its ideal future, motivating them to over come whatever obstacles lie in the way.


Organizations succeed or fail not only because of how well they are led but also because of how well followers follow. Just as managers are not necessarily good leaders, people are not always good followers. The most effective followers are capable of independent thinking and at the same time are actively committed to organizational goals. As a manager, you will be asked to play the roles of both leader and follower. As you lead the people who report to you, you will report to your boss. You will be a member of some teams and committees, and you may chair others. Effective followers are
distinguished from ineffective ones by their enthusiasm and commitment to the organization and to a person or purpose other than themselves or their own interests. They master skills that are useful to their organizations, and they hold to performance standards that are higher than required. To be a good leader you must become a good follower first.

Leadership in Organization

The article was written by Patricia Coleman, a full-time employee of Patricia specializes at custom written essays, and supervises projects in research paper [] development.

Friends Link : Motivational Techniques

Five Keys To Motivating Your Team Members - Motivation Is Everything And Translates To Profit!

Motivation is described by psychologist Shay McConnon as 'the inner desire to take action'. Tap into people's motivation and you will strike gold!

Motivation can be reduced to a simple form of self-interest more commonly known as what's in it for me? Individuals need to see and feel the reward or benefit to themselves by taking action. The greater the perceived valued to self, the greater the level of motivation.


There is no universal source of motivation - it cannot be bought in a one size fits all form. Being thanked personally may motivate some people whilst others may want to be given challenges as a thank you. Money may motivate some people, but not others, and more often is not the big motivator people think it is.

What motivates us - is it respect, the chance to be creative, the opportunity for success, the time to think things through and develop and plan? What ever the answer, it is important to note that different people have different needs and different motivators. So the key question is, what motivates your people, employees and team - why will they do, what they do, even better?

As a manager or team leader, there are more people out there that are not like you, than like you, so be aware of using your criteria for being motivated to motivate others. Ian Botham, as captain of the England Cricket team, rarely gave motivating talks to his players as he felt that putting on the England cricket strip should be motivation enough. General Norman Schwarzkopf went to great lengths to take care of his troops, personally, engaging with them. Who is right?

The best managers and team leaders know their staff or team, and know the individuals' motivations and can tap into these strong sources of energy, with integrity, to create an even more successful outcome, more easily, that will benefit the people and the business.

It is considered that some 75% of a team or companies success will come from soft skills such as motivation and attitude - not from hard skills or knowledge. If people are not motivated it is highly unlikely they will use their skills and talents and this will negatively impact on the bottom line whether you are a premier football team, an events company of a private business.

Motivated teams of people far out perform other teams, no matter how qualified they are. Keys to motivating your people include;

1. Find out people's criteria for being motivated and set goals in accordance.

2. Create a rewarding environment where people can feel good about themselves.

3. Invest in people - and they will invest in you.

4. Understand how to thank people, so they feel thanked.

5. Maintain integrity and honesty.

There are many ways to find out about what motivates and drives people, how to engage with your staff or team members, to build better working relationships, increase motivation, trust, respect and rapport, whilst reducing costly personality clashes, mis-trust, stress, sickness and disputes. By increasing staff motivation and engagement, you can directly increase the energy levels, interest, desire and productivity, which can lead to increased productivity and profit.

Tools such as the SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory), DISC, Myers Briggs Type Indicator and even Belbin, are all good foundations from which to run People Development programmes to develop communication, understanding and engagement. PJ Stevens of LEAP favours the SDI model, as it is easy to use, accurate and highly effective in developing communication skills, leadership, understanding, teamwork, conflict resolution and performance. The SDI model is also part of the Rewarding Relationships programme developed by Shay McConnon and delivered by companies such as People First and LEAP. If you want to understand how to motivate your people, the Rewarding Relationships programme is a crown jewel in anyones teambuilding plans.

Increase staff motivation and engagement, and you can tap into a Gold Mine!

Five Keys To Motivating Your Team Members - Motivation Is Everything And Translates To Profit!

PJ Stevens, is a motivational speaker, presenter and facilitator working across the UK, Europe and Middle East, specialising in soft skills, teambuilding and management development.

Tags : The Global Marketing How to time management Advertising Techniques

Motivation - Internal and External Motivators

Internal/Intrinsic Motivators:

Your motivation to accomplish your goal comes from within. It is determined by your personal values and goals. The drive to do something because it is interesting, challenging, and absorbing is essential for high levels of creativity. Enjoyment based internal motivation is the strongest and most pervasive driver as is a belief that it is a good or right thing to do. Often it is something we pursue even without a tangible result.


• Examples: Reading a nonfiction book because you are curious about the topic, or playing chess because you enjoy effortful thinking are internal motivation examples.

With internal motivation, it is much easier to stay motivated. Trying to find some internal value in everything you have to do can improve your overall performance and pleasure.

External/Extrinsic Motivators:

Your motivation to attain your goal comes from a source outside yourself. It reflects the desire to do something because of external rewards such as awards, money, and praise. People who are extrinsically motivated may not enjoy certain activities but engage in them because they wish to receive some external reward.

• Examples: The person who dislikes sales but accepts a sales position because he/she desires to earn an above average salary or selecting a major in college based on salary and prestige, rather than personal interest in the major are samples of external motivation.

It drives one to do things for tangible rewards or pressures, rather than for the fun of doing it. Performing tasks to look good or to please others can be difficult to maintain. It focuses people on the reward and not the action. In effect, extrinsic motivations can change something pleasurable into work.

When are you most effective? When are you so engaged that hours feel like minutes? What is the balance for you?

Motivation - Internal and External Motivators

Maureen Weisner, M.Ed., PCC, is president of Women Living on the Edge of Change. We provide one on one personal and executive coaching, creating a partnership with our clients as they identify the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Together we design, strategize, and implement a structure for the client to work from in achieving her goals and the motivational strategies to support those transitions. We are expert in customizing unique workshops, seminars, and keynotes for groups, focusing on how change impacts our lives from moment to moment and for the long term.

Recommend : Management Concept Style

How to Lead, Manage, Motivate & Supervise Employees Effectively

As manager, leader or supervisor, a great importance is your ability to lead and manage your subordinates / staff effectively - the people under your purview.

The following tips will help you improve your leadership and interpersonal skills and relationships with your subordinates. The tips will enable you to get stronger supports from them.


Apply each of the tips religiously and see the positive results for yourself!

1. Be fair to everyone
Treat each and everyone of your subordinates / staff fairly and respectfully. Some people are by nature more likable than others, but as a supervisor, you have to avoid even the slightest hint of favouritism. Be fair to everyone. Everyone is unique. You may have to be flexible in your leadership style for each of your subordinates.

2. Develop everyone
Each subordinate has his / her own strengths and weaknesses. And, everyone is by right should be complementing to each others weaknesses. So, work on developing the abilities or the potentials of every employee rather than based only on past performance. Don't overlook the need to provide any necessary resources and training needed for the employee to do the job. By doing so, the subordinates will perceive that you care for their well-being. In return, they will be more respectful to you and work better.

3. Know and like your subordinates
Learn the individual strengths and weaknesses of the people you supervise / lead / manage. This will aid you in assigning tasks on the basis of skills rather than at random. It will make them feel good working with you.

4. Show continuing interest in your subordinates
Show continuing interest in your subordinates by providing feedback on their performance regularly - not just at performance evaluation time. Be honest whether they are doing well or bad. This means, giving praise when it deserved - not when it isn't.

5. Criticize with care
Be diplomatic whenever you criticize any aspects of an employee's performance. Never jump to any judgments or conclusions without thinking first the consequences of your critics. Be tactful to your subordinates at all the time. This is very important. They will surely appreciate you for being a considerate leader / manager.

6. Be flexible
Be flexible in dealing with employee concerns. Going strictly by set procedures won't always give you the flexibility you need to resolve individual performance. So, always use your good common sense.

7. Give simple directions
Give simple, but specific, job directions any time you assign a new task to a worker. Make things not so difficult in the eyes of your subordinates even if it is really challenging. This will make them feel good doing the job assigned to them.

8. Defend your subordinates
Defend your subordinates against unfair criticism. Be with them. Make them think and feel that your are a reasonable leader / manager / supervisor.

9. Be a coach - not a general
Remember! You are at work, not at war. So, be loyal to your subordinates as well as the company. Include workers in the decision-making process whenever feasible. You can also show your leadership by working to obtain promotions, pay raises, and awards for deserving employees.

How to Lead, Manage, Motivate & Supervise Employees Effectively

Taidin Suhaimin is Sabah, Malaysia's leading motivational speaker, trainer, and facilitator on human resource and personal development. Since 1993, he has conducted seminars, conferences and courses to thousand of individuals for every level of audience from CEOs to primary schools students to more than 150 organisations in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

My Links : Management Concept Style

Inspirational Poems - Motivational Life Encouragement

Inspirational poems remind us of our need to "walk the walk" and not just "talk the talk." Words can be inspirational and motivational or be misused and become detrimental to our lives. This poem shows how misuse can erode our society.



Keep your word
No matter what
The cost to you may be.

For those nearby
Believe not what
They hear but what they see.

The character pictured in this poem is difficult to attain. I guess it is one of the virtues that is admired in direct proportion to the amount of selflessness expressed by not going back on your word.

Frequently, people say they will be at a certain place at a certain time but fail to show. Or someone borrows an item and fails to return it. Or a parent promises to take his child somewhere and doesn't follow through leaving the child disillusioned.

Society today seems to accept that people cannot be counted upon.

But for those who reject this lack of self accountability and seek for a better life and testimony to those around them, planning ahead and counting the cost is their life blood. It's the only way to live - even when their best plans fail.

It is these people who are admired, blessed, and accomplish the most in life.

This next poem shows us how words can be instrumental as we reprioritize our actions.

Take Care

How did you say
Goodbye this morn?
What were the things you said?

What if they were
Your final words
Until the life ahead?

Once in awhile it is good to stop and take stock of our blessings. Two of these blessings are our children and our parents.

Now, parents is a sore subject with high school students, sometimes. Wrapped up in their social frenzy of getting their friend's approval, many students give in and talk badly about their parents.

When I sense this in a class, I look for an opportunity to inject a different perspective free of peer pressure bias. I ask them, "What if you got a call on the intercom to come to the office, and when you got there you found a close relative awaiting you with the news that your folks had just been killed in a car wreck? Would you wish you had left the house differently this morning? Would you wish you could change the last things you said as you left?"

Can you imagine the regrets they would have?

Each of us could benefit by carefully and lovingly watching our departures from loved ones in the morning and each time we say goodbye.

Poems like this last one can offer great meaning. To those of us who have had children and have seen them grow up, our die is cast. But for those who are still on that journey, there is time to heed this warning about the use of our words and time.

Unfamiliar Gray

Too busy we
To nurture them
To read, to laugh, to pray.

To busy they
To visit us,
The unfamiliar gray.

It's a constant battle for a parent to find time to spend with his children. Mom and dad each have responsibilities for providing for their children that take a lot of time and energy. There really isn't much of either left over at the end of the day.

But why do we parents have children in the first place if we are not going to designate enough time for their growth and nurture? Without enough time spent with parents, children will turn out poorly and surely won't provide their parents with late life fellowship and care.

The key is two-fold; desire that your kids turn out right and plan ahead to make time to share both words and activities with them.

Remember always to keep your word when you promise something, choose carefully your words when leaving the house in the morning, and make time to use your words for the nurture and admonition of your children.

Inspirational Poems - Motivational Life Encouragement

Robert Ogden is a Christian school teacher living in Central Florida. More of his poems can be found at []

My Links : Motivational Techniques

Business Gifts - Hints to Make the Business Successful

Giving business gifts is an excellent way to strengthen existing relationships with loyal associates, as well as attract new prospects. There is something fun about receiving a gift, and that makes people feel appreciated and consequently, makes them feel good about the person whom the gift came from. However, one should be careful on choosing business gifts as inappropriate picks can damage or even destroy relationships as quick as a split of second.

To avoid negative results because of giving business gifts, it is important to think of some unique business gift ideas and suggestion. It is also important to keep in mind company policies about giving and receiving gifts. Most big companies have policies when it comes to giving and receiving business gifts. There are even companies that restrict their employees from exchanging gifts in the workplace because it might cause disruption or disharmony among employees. Common policies on receiving business gifts include limitation on value of a present an employee can accept or give to a client. This is to avoid confusions on the part of who gets the present. It is always a big NO to give extravagant gifts because it might give a thought that one is bribing someone or simply there is a hidden motive behind the practice.


The most popular reasons why giving business gifts should be considered include to thank someone, congratulate a colleague, encourage or attract prospects, cheer up employees or boost their morale, and help or motivate them when it comes to leveling up their productivity.

Thank you gifts are very common in the business industry. They are given to people who have done extra to help other people in the workplace.

On the other hand, recognition awards are given to those who have received promotions or raises. The tokens serve as a way to congratulate those promising employees whose achievement deserves to be recognized and honored.

People who struggle from work need encouragement and support from colleagues. To manage them, one can present something that can cheer them up and boost their morale. Business gifts are not only for those who excel, but also for those who strive hard to improve themselves.

Additionally, the key to make gift-giving successful is to find the right items to give. Choose safe items yet unique. There are so many items to choose from, but not all of them were made equal and perfect for business gift-giving. Here are some business presents that are appropriate to give: promotional souvenirs; corporate gifts with an engraved or printed logo; flowers; electronic gadgets; entertainment tickets or coupons; wines; food; office supplies; and travel accessories.

The Internet has been a huge source of business gifts. Almost everything can be done online, including shopping for client gifts, retirement gifts, employee recognition gift and etc. Do not forget that when attracting prospects, make sure to include your company logo to remind your recipients that you really exist. Show your company image by choosing the right business presents, without spending too much nor bribing someone.

Business Gifts - Hints to Make the Business Successful

Janet is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics. If you're looking for executive gifts, visit the website and browse their extensive collection. Get also employee gifts for your colleagues online!

See Also : Motivational Techniques How to time management

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

If you lead a team, you know that the journey to high-performance is ongoing. It's the rare team that achieves high-performance and just stays there. In my business life, whether I've managed a team within an organization, or run my own company, it's been unusual to keep the same team together for longer than a year. Team members come and go, driven by the needs of the organization and their own career goals. And every time the members of a team changes, the team needs to regroup and refocus.

Shared Purpose and Direction


On a high-performing team, everyone on the team is committed to the team's purpose. They know exactly what that purpose is because the team leader keeps them focused by constantly communicating that purpose in team meetings and regular updates. The team leader helps each individual team member meet his or new own needs while serving the overall purpose of the team.

Motivating Goals

The team leader ensures that everyone on the team has clearly defined goals and targets. In some organizations, the strategic goals and departmental objectives are determined by senior management. In that case, the team leader makes sure that these goals are clearly discussed. Team members should understand how their jobs support the achievement of the defined goals, and, if possible, have the opportunity to develop individual goals and action plans that spell out how they will contribute to the success of the organization.

Commitment to Individual and Team Roles

On a Total Team, team members have clearly defined expectations but they also understand how each of their roles is linked to every other role. Team leaders ensure that team members are cross-trained in other responsibilities so that everyone can back each other up when needed. The team leader makes sure that individual job responsibilities are fulfilled, but, at the same time, works to help the individuals develop a common language, processes and approaches that allow them to function as a team.

Multi-Directional Communication

On the best teams, team members solve problems, communicate with each other, and keep the team leader updated on current challenges or emerging issues. On low-performing teams, communication is one-way (from team leader to team members) or two-way (between the team leader and individuals). Skilled leaders focus on developing multi-directional communication, avoiding the trap of communicating with individuals members of the team.

Authority to Decide or Act

No doubt about it, new teams may have to earn this authority by demonstrating that they understand the team's purpose, processes and priorities. However, effective team leaders work toward pushing authority for the team's outcomes to the team members. Team members know how and when to get approval for decisions and, in the best of cases, are charged with making on-the-spot decisions when a customer is facing them. On low-performing teams, team members have to constantly get approval before taking action, significantly reducing their effectiveness and negatively affecting their sense of engagement on the team.

Reliance on Diverse Talents

Savvy team leaders pay attention to helping team members understand their unique strengths, talents, and weaknesses. No individual team member can be good at everything. The best team leaders assist everyone to develop an appreciation for individual style differences, natural gifts, and personal experience. Teams are encouraged to use the language of acceptance and appreciation, rather than criticism and judgment. Team leaders consciously hire team members who bring complementary skill sets, unique experience, and diverse perspectives.

Mutual Support and Trust

The seventh characteristic may be the most important, and frankly, is probably the most elusive. The team leader can't force a team to be supportive and trusting--it's a natural result of shared responsibility, shared success, and mutual respect. The high-performing team achieves mutual support and trust because they have a history of working together to achieve grand dreams and results. They have met challenges, overcome obstacles, backed each other up in good times and bad. The Total Team has earned each other's trust.

Building a high-performing team is not an easy task. However, if you're a team leader that is up to the challenge, then consciously focus on developing these seven characteristics. Bring them to your next team meeting and ask team members to evaluate them. How do you know whether each of these characteristics is present or absent on your team? What is the team willing to do to develop these seven characteristics? Then ask the individuals on your team to commit to 3 - 5 specific actions they will take in the next 60 days. Revisit these commitments regularly and see what develops. I guarantee a rewarding journey to high-performance.

The Seven Characteristics of a High-Performing Team

Cynthia Clay is the President/CEO of NetSpeed Leadership ( NetSpeed Leadership meets the learning needs of managers, supervisors, and individual contributors in small to mid-sized organizations. Our programs blend interactive instruction techniques with online reinforcement tools to extend learning beyond the classroom. With this holistic approach, our clients quickly launch programs, train participants, reinforce skills, and measure the impact.

My Links : Management Concept Style Advertising Techniques

Six Requirements of Effective Team Membership

Business organizations looking for ways to build effective work teams need to select the right people for teams based on individual's willingness and group expectations. Only when the right members make up the best teams can organizations expect to reap the benefits of improved quality, faster production, lower costs, or increased revenue. Below are six requirements of potential team members in order to be effective working together.

1. All members must be willing to support the team mission and work toward accomplishing team goals.


2. Each member should understand their role within the team, as well as what skills, knowledge, and abilities they have to contribute toward the team's success.

3. All members must be willing to decide how they will work together by jointly developing a code of conduct, ground rules, or team principles.

4. Each member should commit to working within the team's plans and priorities, including attendance at meetings and training deemed necessary for the team.

5. All members must be willing to work collaboratively on problem-solving and accept change as part of process improvement.

6. Each team member should be respectful of others, welcome diversity, and establish both trust and accountability within the team.

If organizations communicate the above six requirements related to individual willingness and group expectations for team members, they will find that the team will be more effective in their joint work. An effective team with the right members should help the organization reach their goals related to improved quality, faster production, lower costs, or increased revenue. Effective teams are a vital part of conducting business.

Six Requirements of Effective Team Membership

Shirley Fine Lee, author of "R.A!R.A! A Meeting Wizard's Approach", has worked as a training and development specialist since 1986, and an independent consultant since 2000. She has extensive experience, helping organizations with their team building, training development, meeting facilitation, presentation delivery, and other communication needs. This work involves developing productivity tools, presenting workshops, and writing. For instance, she has authored numerous training manuals and guides, on a wide variety of topics. Her programs include time management, getting organized, problem solving, and team building. Find out more about her and options she provides on her website.

See Also : The Global Marketing Advertising Techniques Management Concept Style

Hydro Energy

Water is a renewable energy resource, and one that offers the greatest variation in power production. We can harness the water energy through what is known as motive energy or through the differences it experiences in temperature.

Water is nearly one thousand times as dense as our air. What this tells us, then, is that a slow moving stream of water is more powerful, in terms of renewable energy than wind. A wave or swell of the sea can deliver many times that energy.


We have many forms of renewable water energy from which to choose.

There are many forms of water energy.

The first type of water energy, and the one we most commonly think of when we think of renewable water power, is hydroelectric. This is the power that commonly is created by large hydroelectric dams.

You can also have what are called micro hydroelectric systems. These are small power installations that produce as much as 100 kilowatts of power. The most common places to find these renewable water energy sources are in areas where water is abundant and the hydro system can be used as a remote area power supply RAPS. While there are many RAPS around the globe several are functioning in the Solomon Islands.

Wave power is another way of using water as a renewable energy source. The waves are used to create an up and down affect for pontoons that float in the water. This has just started to be used commercially as renewable energy.

Tides can produce renewable energy as well. As the ocean tides come in the water level is raised in the water basin. Then, at low tide the basin water gets discharged through the water turbine. Tidal stream power is different in that it captures the energy produced by the tidal flow. This usually is accomplished through the use of an underwater plant that looks like a small-scale wind turbine. While governments have set up demonstrations for this type of tidal power, any large scale commercialization of this renewable tidal energy would require extensive upfront capital. This has yet to be attempted.

Ocean thermal energy conversion OTEC is yet another form of water energy. OTEC uses the different in temperature between the oceans surface water and the water at deeper points. To do this it uses a cyclic heat engine. This form of renewable energy has had no large scale field test as yet.

Though not technically a form of generating renewable energy the cooling of the water in deep lakes is an efficient way to save energy during the hot summer months. Pipes are submerged and used as heat sinks. The bottom of these lakes typically stays at less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Blue energy, which is really desalination in reverse, is a renewable energy resource still being researched. There is no data at this point to show whether it will work.

Hydro Energy

James Copper is a writer for where you can find a plumbing course

Recommend : How to time management The Global Marketing Advertising Techniques

Why Women Hate Other Women

Women compete with each other at a societal level, the criteria for winning is usually set by others and the results are subjective and intangible. Women are usually judged by characteristics that they have little control over; something that they did not create, and that exist outside of themselves such as their physical appearance. Her success is based on subjective, biased, external validation by others. She can't see how to beat her rival because her rival is in no more control of the outcome than she is. How can you really be more beautiful than another woman, when the decision is nothing more than someone else's opinion of beauty?

How can you change someone's personal preference for a certain body size and shape, a particular eye color or a fondness for blondes? How many people are needed to think that you are beautiful before it is a valid or meaningful judgment? Who do you need to tell you that you are beautiful before you can believe it to be true... construction workers, truck drivers, the man walking down the street, your pastor, the Pope, your boss? Women compete with each other for male attention and compliments as if it feeds their self-worth and self-esteem. Women try to dress sexier and have shapelier bodies than other women.


Women instinctively know that men have little power when it comes to sexual intercourse in male and female relationships. Women know that if a platonic relationship exists between a male and a female, ninety percent of the time it is a platonic relationship because the woman does not want to have sex with the man instead of visa versa. Most women do not feel that men are psychologically or biologically capable of resisting another woman's sexual prowess because of their undying love, loyalty and respect for their committed relationship with them. If a man does not engage in a sexual relationship with a woman who is drop dead gorgeous, most women believe that it is because the other woman was in control of the outcome of the type of relationship. Women intuitively know that most heterosexual males find extraordinary beautiful women sexually irresistible and if that extraordinary beautiful woman wanted her man, he would be hers for the taking.

Women are so busy competing with each other for male attention that they do not have the psychological, intellectual or emotional insight to change the social climate that is causing them to suffer from low-self esteem. Women think of men as being promiscuous, unfaithful, lying, cheating dogs. But what most women need to come to grips with and understand is that research shows that a man is most likely to have a sexual affair with a woman's best friend, relative or neighbor... a woman whom she trusts, loves and respects. One of the reasons that men who cheat are so successful at it is because women allow them to because they are in competition with each other.

Women believe that they are superior to other women if they are physically more attractive. In a commercial for a diet pill a woman bragged, "I am now smaller than the woman my husband left me for." This statement leads me to believe that she felt that she deserved her husband's infidelity when she was over weight. Her motive for losing weight was to be physically smaller than the other woman that her husband left her for. She viewed the other woman as competition more so than feeling betrayed by her husband's disloyalty. The wife's motive for losing weight was not to improve the status of her health or increase her self-esteem but be smaller than her competition__ the other woman. The weight control commercial is blatantly telling women that they need to look a certain way in order to earn their husband's love and fidelity. It doesn't matter whether or not you cook his meals, raise his kids, and support his dreams... what matters most in a relationship is whether or not you are physically attractive enough to keep your man at home. There is an assumption that it is natural for a man to cheat on a woman who he feels is no longer sexually appealing. Many women believe that it is their fault when their husband or boyfriend cheats on them because they are not attractive enough to keep him faithful.

A woman's perception of self-worth is validated outside of her self from others and this affects her internal psychological concept of her own value as a human being. Women compete indirectly with other women because they have not learned how to recognize and channel their internal desires, feelings and goals into physical, tangible realities. Once women learn that they can not control or live vicariously through their children or the man in their life; they will stop hating each other and focus on their individual unique gifts, talents and assets.

Why do women hate other women?

1. Women feel that their biological prime-time is limited. She can easily be replaced by a new younger, more beautiful woman. Youth is a woman's fair-weathered friend.

2. Women feel that other women control their man's sexual fidelity.

3. Women feel that their level or degree of physical beauty is based on luck as opposed to something that she controls.

4. Women feel that other women can take something that they have worked hard to earn by using their beauty on the job, school and the legal system because men will be taken by her beauty.

5. Women feel that other women can not be trusted. They gossip too much, they are phony and they would take your man right before your eyes.

6. Women feel that other women divert attention away from them.

7. Women feel psychologically competitive with other women to be more attractive.

8. Women subconsciously believe that if they merely looked like another woman, they could inherit her life, her diamond, her man, and people would look at her with the same admiration.

The following dialogue was edited from a variety of websites discussing how women relate to each other:

Points to Ponder:

o You can never stop a man from looking at or admiring another woman's beauty. Do you really feel that another woman is more valuable as human being than you are simply because of her physical appearance?

o You are more than your physical body. What talents, gifts or skills do you have to contribute to society?

o You can not control what other people think of you. Once you truly accept the truth that you have no control over other people's thoughts about who you are or how you should live your life; you will be free to design your own life from the inside out.

o You can never compete with anyone but yourself.

o The only person who you can control is yourself...period.

o Whatever you seek in other people develop in yourself. You don't need to marry a doctor; become a doctor.

o You are the most important person in the world who must believe, acknowledge and recognize your own authentic and unique beauty. Why should anyone love and respect you more than you love and respect yourself.

Why Women Hate Other Women

Cassandra George Sturges MA, MA, Psy.D is a mother of two teenagers, a full-time psychology instructor, advice columnists for Today's Black Woman Magazine, Seminar facilitator, author of "A Woman's Soul on Paper" ISBN: 0595171435. Dr. Sturges is the author and publisher of Authentik Beauty Magazine. A 1 year subscription to Authentik Beauty Magazine is only .99 for 6 issues; mail request to: Authentik Beauty Magazine, P.O. Box 980679, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Caution: Articles and clip art are sensuously and beautifully designed for a mature audience only. We accept cash, checks & all major credit cards.

See Also : Motivational Techniques

How to Hold Motivational Meetings

How many times have you phoned someone to be told, "They're in a meeting!?" At least 60 per cent of manager's time is spent in meetings. Research in one large organisation discovered that the figure could be as high as 90 per cent. And another survey found that many managers consider meetings they attend to be a waste of time. In fact, some managers say that - "meetings take minutes and waste hours."

If you are a manager or team leader then you will have to hold meetings; here are 4 steps to make them motivational:


1. Don't hold a meeting unless you really have to. Be really, really sure that the meeting is needed and that it has a clear objective. By the end of the meeting, however long it takes, the shorter the better; you have to be sure that you've achieved that objective.

2. Start the meeting on time; don't wait for anyone and don't go over what's been discussed for latecomers. Of course, you really shouldn't have latecomers and if you do, speak to them individually after the meeting and sort it out.

3. Have a structured agenda showing start time, breaks and finish time. Don't schedule meetings to start on the hour; say 1.20 rather 1 o'clock. And if it's a half day meeting, start in the afternoon rather than the morning; people will keep moving if they think they will be late leaving work. Ruthlessly stick to that agenda, don't allow people to ramble or talk about things not on the agenda. If you want to have chit-chat time - put it on the agenda! Keep people moving and even get them out the door before the finish time on the agenda.

4. Make meetings fun; supply snacks, drinks, fruit and chocolate. Start the meeting with a fun energiser game or a quiz. Let one of the team chair the meeting occasionally (as long as they control the agenda). Allow people to have a laugh; create energy and enthusiasm.

So there you have it; Motivational Managers run structured meetings with clear objectives where people have fun and resultantly contribute and get things done.

How to Hold Motivational Meetings

Alan Fairweather - The Motivation Doctor - is an International Speaker, Author and Business Development Expert. To receive your free newsletter and free ebooks, visit:

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Get Rid Of Heartburn Fast! 11 Highly Effective Ways

Right now, you got to be leaping, leaping for joy! For deliverance, ehn, did I say deliverance? Who got an attack? Heartburn is just a digestive disorder - it is not an attack.

Now, I am going to be outrageous, I'll be outlandish, I'll go crazy, just for you, I have found answers for all of your heartburn troubles . Heartburn is a serious health problem you should consider getting rid off now before it becomes as complicated as resulting into something your doctor cannot probably diagnose. This is not an overstatement. It is a factual assertion! The issue of heartburn is already a cause for concern for lots of people around the world. Physicians and medical practitioners alike have been trying their best to proffer a one-time solution to this problem - the heartburn problem.


I do believe when it comes to issues regarding health. "You are not different from what you eat". True, gene is one of the contributing factor to our overall health success or failure - the issue that our lifestyle and diet account for over 55% in determining our state of being healthy or not cannot be relegated. When an health problem is linked to diet and lifestyle as a primary concern, you should quickly understand that there's little or nothing a physician can do about it.

The most sensible thing to do is to control and change the diet - including your mode of eating and so on. Getting rid of heartburn and doing so fast requires you know it's root cause otherwise you may end up either fighting off the wrong thing or altogether applying ineffective means. Heartburn is primarily caused by a reflux - an acid reflux - a situation where the stomach acid backs up and comes in contact with the lining of the esophagus. It is commonly experienced after eating. To get rid of it fast, you have to get a means of eliminating its triggers - foods and lifestyle that will propel its action - the acid reflux. Here is a quick roadmap to ensure you get rid or at least substantial relief from heartburn fast!

Eating a bite of ice cream usually work for some people

Chewing gum can provide some sort of short-term relief by stimulating the production of saliva, which dilutes and flushes out stomach acid.

Drinking a glass or more of warm water or herbal tea after eating can eliminate stomach acid

If you are obese, losing some weight can help relief your symptom

Controlling your diet can be the best form of heartburn treatment

Avoid caffeine and nicotine-containing product like alcohol, coffee. Fatty foods, onions, chocolate, citrus fruit or juices, tomatoes etc

Eat slowly - eat moderately, slowly does not have to be ridiculously sluggish Stop smoking Eat frequent smaller meals instead of three larger ones

Avoid much pressure on the stomach including frequent bending over, wearing tight clothes, lifting

Avoid too much food intake that could lead to obesity The motive behind all these is to minimize the excess production of the stomach acid so it does not reflux - when the stomach acid backs up to the esophagus causing irritation.

Reducing stress can also be a good remedy for heartburn treatment.

That's it on getting rid of heartburn fast! For more free natural remedies for eliminating heartburn fast! Click here

Get Rid Of Heartburn Fast! 11 Highly Effective Ways

Achi has been helping people who live with heartburn have a permanent fix for their problem. Visit his blogsite - - for lots and lots of free tips and information on how best to prevent and cure heartburn fast!

Tags : The Global Marketing

Ethical Relativism

Many people nowadays assert that the moral sense is completely subjective, that there are no absolute ethical values, that it's all purely a matter of opinion.

Opponents of this view have raised a number of objections.


1. We tend to judge actions by our own moral code, and we can also find ourselves judging one moral code to be better than another, as for example, someone might say that the Buddhist morality is better than the Israelite one.

The relativist would reply that when we do this, we are comparing those moral codes with our subjective on, and then judging the one which is most similar to our own subjective code to be superior.

2. If no moral code is superior to another, it is logically impossible to speak of a moral progress or a moral decline. Yet many people do actually speak in those terms.

3. Again, if there is no superiority in one code over another, and therefore no such thing as moral progress, then there is no point in moral effort.

Relativists might reply that a person should strive to be true to their own moral code. But this still begs the question as to why anyone should bother to do so.

4. The logical outcome of ethical relativism is that no one person is better than any other, since there would be no absolute standard to judge them against. Thus a murderer could not be regarded as morally worse than anyone else, since one code would be as good as any other.

The ethical relativist might reply that this is not a fair inference from their theory. They deny the existence of an absolute universal code of morals, but they accept that there may be a code of moral standards that apply to a limited group of people, although there are still problems with this reply, in that there appear to be no adequate criteria for defining the limits of such groups, and also no particular reason why the group should contain more than one person.

The philosopher says that there is indeed an absolute standard of moral behaviour, although how it has come to us, or where it originated, are questions which are still being strongly debated. The fact of the absolute standard is something that can be seen every day, when people talk about what someone else did or said, or what they themselves did, in a certain situation. Time and time again, an appeal will be made to some or other moral precept, which the speaker invariably expects there listeners to know about and share their opinion about.

Certainly there are differences, but these are usually very minor ones, and by and large, there is general agreement that this or that action is right or wrong. This cannot just be explained away as the code of a particular country or race. The practice is accepted worldwide, as, for example, when a country invades another country, there is general acceptance of the view that such an action is wrong if the motive is to seize power in the invaded country, but right if the motive is to help the invaded country remain free from oppression.

So the standard appealed to is a universal one. As to whether it is absolute as well as universal may still be open to question, but the difference between the two could be said to be too subtle to be of any value in practice.

Ethical Relativism

The blog Filosofia is an online philosophy resource for everyone. Read more at

See Also : Management Concept Style

15 Motivational Songs For Overcoming Obstacles

Motivational songs for overcoming obstacles are BIG songs. Packed with motivational messages and power-filled orchestration they are the kind that get you up and going at the gym even though you are tired. They are the ones we hear at the game when there are a few seconds left on the clock and the score is tied. They are the songs used in television and film in musical montages when the lead character finally faces his challenge and proceeds despite the opposition.

Motivational songs for overcoming obstacles are important because they uplift, inspire and, excite. A steady "diet" of them can keep you feeling confident, strong, and ready to take on the world. They are so effective, they've even supported whole movements that brought about great social and political change.


Like the US civil rights movement. A whole assortment of leading artists of time wrote and produced some of the most motivational songs for overcoming obstacles ever. Everyone from James Brown to The Jacksons contributed to this rich body of music that serves as the soundtrack for the advancement of colored people everywhere.

1. "We Shall Overcome" sung by Mahalia Jackson is the most popular protest song that became the key anthem for the US civil rights movement.

2. "Wade in the Water" sung by the Fisk Jubilee Singers is a song that many internet sources and popular books claim to contain explicit instructions to fugitive slaves on how to avoid capture and the route to take to successfully make their way to freedom.

3. "Pick a Bale of Cotton" by Leadbelly is work song that was sung by workers to coordinate timing to pick a bale (480 lbs.) of cotton.

4. "Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud" by James Brown is notable both as one of Brown's signature songs and as one of the most popular "black power" anthems of the 1960s.

5. "Lift Every Voice and Sing" sung by Kim Weston and written by James Weldon Johnson, was named the Black National Anthem and became the official song of the NAACP.

6. "We're a Winner" by The Impressions was written and produced by Curtis Mayfield and was a #1 song of the black pride movement.

7. "Redemption Song" by Bob Marley is considered Marley's most important piece of work, with lyrics derived from a speech given by the Pan-Africanist leader Marcus Garvey.

8. "Can You Feel It" by The Jacksons was written by Michael and Jackie Jackson on their album Triumph and was an international chart-topper in 1981.

9. "Aint No Stoppin Us Now" by McFadden and Whitehead is a celebratory song to honor black achievements, and became a number #1 hit selling over 2 million copies.

10. "Fight the Power" by The Isley Brothers is a protest funk song from 1975 that inspired Public Enemy to release a hip-hop version of their own in the late 1980's.

11. "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson is one of Jackson's most critically-acclaimed songs that hit number one and was re-released in the UK after his death.

12. "Fight the Power" by Public Enemy serves as the political statement of purpose for the group and is their biggest single.

13. "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West was not only on of his most popular songs, but was well-received by music critics who praised "its compelling sonic atmosphere and boldness in its open embracement of faith".

14. "Hold On" by Wyclef is the Haitian-born musician's plea fans to support his non-profit organization and help the victims of the Haitian earthquake by texting 'YELE' to 501501.

15. "Move On Up" sung by Beninoise singer-songwriter Agelique Kidjo also features Bono and John Legend is a motivational song used to uplift the people of Africa. Although, it was originally written and performed by Curtis Mayfield in 1970, several other well-known artists released subsequent versions that are equally motivating.

So stand up and get ready to get motivated to overcome obstacles. This playlist is empowering no matter what color you are. It will touch you, resonate with you at your core, and make you MOVE! The legacy of this music lives on.

Any obstacles in your way? Just, let the beat and the rhythm set the pace and allow the message in the music help you over and above all obstacles that come your way...

15 Motivational Songs For Overcoming Obstacles

Visit to to preview the list of songs above on

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Motivating Coworkers

What do you do if you are motivated and rearing to go, but your co-workers couldn't give a damn. Rather than give up and go to alone, you at least have to try and get them to work with you. Here are some motivational tips and strategies that you can use to get your coworkers or employees to cooperate with you.

If you are a company owner, you will obviously have more power here than if you were a regular employee. Funnily enough it has been proven that motivating people with money doesn't work over the long term. Money is just a means to an end. The best way to motivate your employees is to find out what makes them tick. You could perhaps offer gifts and incentives whenever they reach a target. There are many companies who will let you have free gift catalogs if you are offering their gifts as incentives to your staff. People normally love to receive gifts and will normally see something that they want within a gift catalog that they will love. In this way they will work harder in order to obtain the item of their choice.


Other great ways to motivate your staff is to recognize their achievements publicly. There is nothing worse than doing an excellent job and nobody even notices. That is enough to demotivate anybody. You could perhaps have a star of the month or hand out trophies. People love to feel appreciated and needed.

Promoting good workers is also a very effective way to motivate people. People will generally work harder if they know that they can move up within the company, and get a better position within the organization.

If you are a supervisor or project leader with a team of unmotivated employees on your hands, and you have a project that you need to work on together, the situation could be a slight bit trickier. You job is to get the team just as motivated as you are to go ahead and do a great job on the project.

The trick is to try and get to know your team on a personal level. Find out what their likes and dislikes are, what types of goals they have, and also focus on their needs rather than just your own. If people feel that their feelings are taken into account, they will normally give more back to you and be more motivated to get the job done. Try to be fair on your entire team and delegate the work fairly. Lead by example, and make sure that you are putting in just as much effort as your team is, because if you slack off, then so will your team.

It is sometimes difficult to motivate people, and it does take practice, as well as trial and error. With with a bit of practice you should be able to ace the motivation game in time.

Motivating Coworkers

Michel Maling
I love Dancing and I love Online Marketing. Two completely different fields, but both require passion, hard work and ongoing dedication. I dance to the tune of Life. For more on motivation, visit:

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