3 Ways to Create a Motivational Collage

One powerful collage theme is motivation! But in order to create a motivational theme you first need to write down a goal. Start with a simple goal that relates to something personal that you are working to toward.
For example, I often have freshmen students in beginning art classes create a goal collage on their major. Where do they want to go? Where do they see their selves after graduation.

Consider the following 3 simple steps.


1. Sort and gather images that will motivate you to reach a goal. For example, if you are remodeling your house only gather those images that relate to that process. This would not be the collage that has images of your last birthday party.

3 Ways to Create a Motivational Collage

2. Think possible not impossible

It is easy to get discouraged when doing your collage if you think about cost and other limitations. Stay focused on your dream. It can happen. That is why you are creating a collage with a goal in mind.

3. Have fun!

Think out of the box. Mix your images with powerful and inspiring words that will help you achieve your goals,

So write out your goals. Start searching for your images and get started.

If you need help doing goal setting I have a great coach for you.
Send an email to cegoals@aol.com. She will work with you to create solid goal statements using the SMART method. That stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and tangible.
And remember you can always contact me for any suggestions on your collage making process.

3 Ways to Create a Motivational Collage

Ray Horner is a fine artist and inspirational speaker http://www.hornerartworkshop.com