Motivational Speakers - Life Coaches

A motivational speaker is one who speaks or lectures in a way so as to motivate or inspire the audience. There are many motivational speakers and they introduce themselves through various methods such as books, interviews, seminars or audio programs. One of the major negative feedbacks they face is that they make people feel good and positive just for the time being - that is - the motivation they provide does not last for a longer life time. There are many others who feel that they feel positive and set goals only when they listen to this speaker, and after a short time they go back to their regular routine. What matters most in this aspect is, that if a person wants to become successful in life, he/she has to apply and implement the teaching and concepts in his/her life which might prove difficult in the beginning, but with regular help and their own will power, they can shed their inhibitions and start over a new leaf.

Some of the popular motivational books written by well-known motivational speakers are Anthony Robbins - "Unlimited Power", and "Awaken The Giant Within"; John Maxwell - "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"; Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" as well as "The One Minute Millionaire", and Zig Ziglar's "See You at the Top". The audio programs that are popular - Brian Tracy's "The Psychology of Achievement"; Mark Victor Hansen's "Thinking Big;" and Les Brown's "You Deserve."


In recent days, even multinational companies are making use of these speakers to help their employees develop positive mental attitude, clarity in life, set their goals and team-building activity. Team building activity is one of the important factors in multi-national companies which help to highlight the importance of an individual in a team as one of the most valuable asset the Company has.

Motivational Speakers - Life Coaches

Inspirational speakers are different from motivational speakers in the way that their speeches can be based on stories of great men who achieved their goals amidst obstacles, with modulations in their way of speaking. On the other hand, motivational speakers deliver their presentation that inspire and has more energy which propel their listeners to action.

Most motivational speakers do not see themselves as a teacher who motivates others, but they see themselves as a "life coach." Many of them have come from poverty and it is through the methods they teach they have become millionaires. Les Brown was a garbage collector who became a successful speaker and a millionaire. Most of the speakers are entrepreneurs; They teach leadership, efficiency, increase productivity and are experts in time management. They also host TV shows and travel regularly all over the globe. They have to keep themselves updated in terms of recent events around the world and constantly learning new things. Their speech should be able to connect with the audience, ignite a spark in every listener or attendee so that they can be inspired to find a lost goal or birth of a new one in order to achieve what they desire.

The methods, techniques which they teach to their clients (persons attending their workshops or listeners) should be simple, time-tested, recent, grounded, effective and they should have imbibed them in to their own personal life. The motivational speaker's job is to make the listeners understand how their minds work, prioritize their work to deliver their best, to help them change their life style if needed, and develop effective habits that can move them towards their goals and dreams.

In short, a motivational speaker's main goal should be to arouse the bundle of positive energy that exists in all of us through which we can reach our goals in the shortest possible time.

Motivational Speakers - Life Coaches

B Sathyanarayana is a well-known writer in the areas of medicine, biographies and management exams.