Motivational Speeches

Public speaking is one of people's greatest fears. College students in particular lack inspiration when it comes to writing and delivering a speech in front of their peers. Unsure of where to turn to for guidance, students search the web for a motivational speech sample and help with term papers. They come up with a variety of resources that can help them write a motivational speech topic outline. They can even write a speech and poem simultaneously.



A lot of inspiration can come from poet, Maya Angelou. She has been public speaking at a national level for years now. In fact, she even helped our President-Elect, Barack Obama, write one of his speeches. She has even attended an international convention or two in her lifetime. She delivers a speech and recites poems at all of her events. She even travels to colleges throughout the nation in hopes of inspiring students to follow in her footsteps to write and recite speeches. She is highly respected for the work she does.

Motivational Speeches

Motivational speech samples can be found elsewhere. By consulting books, newspapers, audio and film clips, students can learn how to truly inspire others in their communities and classrooms. Some examples of great speakers of our time are: Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, and Malcolm X. Their words revolutionized our nation and made it what it is today.


First, speakers must choose a topic that will engage the audience. He or she must consider the ages and backgrounds of the people that they are speaking to. What may be appropriate for one group of people may not be appropriate for another.

Next, a speaker must find sample motivational speeches to draw inspiration from. Sources can be found online, through bookstores as well as libraries. Heroes can come in the form of everyday people. Acts of courage can be mentioned even when the name of the person isn't familiar to the audience.

After researching the topic, a speaker must write out a motivational speech topic outline to help organize his or her thoughts regarding the motivational speech sample. The outline will serve as a guideline and help keep the speaker on the right track while he or she writes the speech.

Practice makes perfect or so they say. Once the outline is completed and the actual motivational speech is written, the next step for the speaker to do is to recite the words written over and over again until they are memorized. A truly motivational speaker knows to look up from his or her notes to really engage the audience.

Last but not least, the speaker actually delivers the speech to his or her audience. Considering the length of the time spent speaking, a cup of water should be placed at the podium prior to the speech's delivery to optimize the impact of it. No speaker wants to be cut short by a dry throat.

Addressing a tough audience is easy when equipped with the right tools like a motivational speech sample and those mentioned in this article.

Motivational Speeches

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author. To learn more about Motivational Speeches [], please visit Motivation Now [] for current articles and discussions.